
Showing posts from June, 2017


When you love someone unconditionally, you love them enough to let them go.  It doesn't matter who they are with; as long as they are happy, you're content.  You feel blessed that no matter where they are, both you and that person share the roof under the same sky, same moon, Sun and the stars. What they are doing doesn't bother you, as long as they are loving every minute of it.  And as for you missing them?  Well it's a part of loving them. You're gonna miss them all the time, wish for them to be with you, wish for them to talk to you about their day and how they are doing. You're gonna wish for them to share what makes them daydream and what keeps them up at night. You're gonna want to know every details of their life.  But sometimes, you don't. But that's okay. Because you know, as long as they are wrapped up with happiness, there's nothing that can harm them. And you know that as long as you're alive, there's nothing which can chang


It’s okay if you’re lying on the bed, not interacting with anyone. It’s okay if you don’t go out with your friends on weekends, because you’re mentally and emotionally tired. It’s okay if all you wanna do is lie on bed all day, eating ice creams and watching your favorite TV shows. It’s okay to not be active on social medias. And it’s okay if you don’t want to give an explanation for it to anyone, you don’t have to. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to have some alone time.  But it’s not okay to blame yourself for every little thing that went wrong with you or someone else’s life. It’s not okay to think that you’re the reason why everything is so messed up. It’s not okay to think that you don’t deserve happiness. It’s not okay to think that the only reason you’re alive is to cause problems and difficulties. It’s not okay to think that you’re not worth the love of people.  Honey, you have no idea how much your presence affects other people, in a good way. You have no idea how many times someo


She was slowly breaking. Going back to the point from where she started. Gurgling out the sorrow that she thought she could hold back as long as she lived. Tearing up blood through her hollow and tired eyes, begging for the world to stop.  But does it even matter? Does it matter that she was slowly drifting into darkness as it was prevailing, trying to engulf her everyday. Trying to stab her bones with sharp daggers. Trying to make sure that she stops trying the very next moment.  Struggling, choking for air, she continued to get up, only to get knocked down on her knees, again.  For some reason, it hurts to think that the world is a nasty place. She tries to think other wise, only to be proved wrong, again and again.  Is it really worth it? Is it really worth all the struggle that she has to go through in order to free herself from the chains that bind her? Every jolt leave red marks on her skin. Some makes sure that it never leaves her flesh. Yet her naïve mind thinks that eve