
Who am I?

 Who am I?  I'm the fragments of the books I read, Of pages ever so crooked, but print still fine. Sometimes fantasy, sometimes non-fiction, And sometimes the disturbingly horrific genre, that keeps you up at night, clutching your sheets tightly to you heart, hoping that none of your vulnerability would seep through the fabric. I'm the songs that I listen to, Songs that you sometimes hate,  Songs that you sometimes love. Songs that you pretend to hate for the sake of worldly approval. Songs that you call stupid, but then cry listening to at night. Songs that you would never even give a chance to. I'm pieces of the CafĂ© that I often like to visit, Only to drink hot chocolate, on a hot summer evening. I'm places, where grass fails to grow, damaged beyond repair. I'm someone you desire me to be,  Almost but not quite. I'm all the stars in the night sky, That wishes to be seen, Almost but not quite. That makes no difference, Nevertheless, ceases to exist, Almost but


 Pale face, frail arms, Limbs as thin as branches, Shaking uncontrollably like a tree does on a stormy night.  Storm indeed pass through that night, Destroying the child within.  "Nothing would happen. We would get through this like we always do.", said another tiny set of arms holding tightly,  The wails grew louder,  Deafening almost, Deafening yet audible enough.  "Tomorrow morning, everything will get back to normal like it always does", words of comfort laced with terror.  Those words turned out to be true, but not quiet. The storm didn't leave their dwelling,  Not until one or all of them were dead. Death knocked on the door, indeed, Death of their innocence. -Ananya Gupta 


If you're a person with mental health issues, then you know what kind of hardships you deal with everyday. You cannot predict what your mood is gonna be the next moment. You can be very excited for an upcoming event, thinking that you're gonna enjoy with your loved ones. And when the day would come, it'll turn out to be something totally different. You'd get the worst panic attacks of your life and everyone around you will think that you're making some sort of lame excuse to get out of it. You can know someone for years and still it would make you sweat profusely, thinking of talking to them. You would know the exact answer to your teacher's questions and still wouldn't raise the hand and answer, thinking that it would be wrong and everyone will laugh at you. You'd feel afraid of running or dancing with your friends, because that would increase your heartbeat and you'd feel like your heart is going to explode and come out of your ribcage and


Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since I updated my blog. The truth is that I lost my motivation to write and somewhere during this Quarantine, I'm trying to polish up my skills. I'm also trying to read as much as possible. For a while I actually forgot how much of joy it brings me to read and write. Its a shame that our busy lives can change so much about us. Mental health is also one of the reasons why you stop doing what you liked to do. I'm trying to write my thoughts down as much as possible, and surprisingly, there's just so much I wanna write. Let's just begin with the fact that we're currently trying to survive through a Pandemic. And I'm scared. I'm scared to witness people that I love, in pain. I'm scared for the fact that so many people are losing their lives, and so many people are trying to pretend that they're invincible.I don't even know how I'm holding myself together. But I'm proud of myself. As much as

Being Real

I know it's been a while since I uploaded anything on my blog. And that's because I wanted to keep it real with my readers. Maybe I was not being real with me all this time? Or maybe I didn't even know what to write about in my blog anymore. Because let's be honest, the creative writer in me kinda died over the past few years. I still remember those days when I used to write short stories online and had the guts to post them for people to read them and give their feedback. It made me happy. It made me feel confident about my work. But over the years, that part of me died down, maybe just a little. But part of me still wishes to write and show the world what I have to offer to them. And I think the best way to start doing that is by being super real in my blogs and updating people more about my life, so people know that the girl you think I am, might have so much more inside her that she just wants to let out. Speaking of my life, let's talk about what is on my m


When you love someone unconditionally, you love them enough to let them go.  It doesn't matter who they are with; as long as they are happy, you're content.  You feel blessed that no matter where they are, both you and that person share the roof under the same sky, same moon, Sun and the stars. What they are doing doesn't bother you, as long as they are loving every minute of it.  And as for you missing them?  Well it's a part of loving them. You're gonna miss them all the time, wish for them to be with you, wish for them to talk to you about their day and how they are doing. You're gonna wish for them to share what makes them daydream and what keeps them up at night. You're gonna want to know every details of their life.  But sometimes, you don't. But that's okay. Because you know, as long as they are wrapped up with happiness, there's nothing that can harm them. And you know that as long as you're alive, there's nothing which can chang


It’s okay if you’re lying on the bed, not interacting with anyone. It’s okay if you don’t go out with your friends on weekends, because you’re mentally and emotionally tired. It’s okay if all you wanna do is lie on bed all day, eating ice creams and watching your favorite TV shows. It’s okay to not be active on social medias. And it’s okay if you don’t want to give an explanation for it to anyone, you don’t have to. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to have some alone time.  But it’s not okay to blame yourself for every little thing that went wrong with you or someone else’s life. It’s not okay to think that you’re the reason why everything is so messed up. It’s not okay to think that you don’t deserve happiness. It’s not okay to think that the only reason you’re alive is to cause problems and difficulties. It’s not okay to think that you’re not worth the love of people.  Honey, you have no idea how much your presence affects other people, in a good way. You have no idea how many times someo