
Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since I updated my blog. The truth is that I lost my motivation to write and somewhere during this Quarantine, I'm trying to polish up my skills. I'm also trying to read as much as possible. For a while I actually forgot how much of joy it brings me to read and write. Its a shame that our busy lives can change so much about us. Mental health is also one of the reasons why you stop doing what you liked to do.

I'm trying to write my thoughts down as much as possible, and surprisingly, there's just so much I wanna write. Let's just begin with the fact that we're currently trying to survive through a Pandemic. And I'm scared. I'm scared to witness people that I love, in pain. I'm scared for the fact that so many people are losing their lives, and so many people are trying to pretend that they're invincible.I don't even know how I'm holding myself together. But I'm proud of myself.

As much as I love being at home by myself, it's still suffocating to be disconnected from the outside world. Yes, we're all connected through social medias but keeping myself all locked up in fear of dying because of a virus is hard to deal with. Sometimes it's hard to breathe. Sometimes even a little cough gives me anxiety. Some nights I can't sleep, in fear of not seeing tomorrow.

I'm starting to realize even more about how unpredictable our lives are. One moment we have everything that we take for granted, and the next moment we're fighting with one another to fulfill our basic needs.

But let's just try to stay as much positive as we can. So, here's a quote for you all.

Stay safe, you guys. And hopefully by the next update, we'll all be in better conditions.


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