
When you love someone unconditionally, you love them enough to let them go. 
It doesn't matter who they are with; as long as they are happy, you're content. 
You feel blessed that no matter where they are, both you and that person share the roof under the same sky, same moon, Sun and the stars.
What they are doing doesn't bother you, as long as they are loving every minute of it. 
And as for you missing them? 
Well it's a part of loving them. You're gonna miss them all the time, wish for them to be with you, wish for them to talk to you about their day and how they are doing. You're gonna wish for them to share what makes them daydream and what keeps them up at night. You're gonna want to know every details of their life. 
But sometimes, you don't. But that's okay. Because you know, as long as they are wrapped up with happiness, there's nothing that can harm them. And you know that as long as you're alive, there's nothing which can change how you feel about them.

 -Ananya Gupta
(instagram: empty_screams)


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